Nobody Wants This

Nobody Wants This: A Gripping Drama That Explores the Unwanted

“Nobody Wants This” is a thought-provoking drama series that delves into the lives of individuals struggling to find their place in the world. The show’s poignant narrative and relatable characters make it a must-watch for anyone looking for a meaningful television experience.


“Nobody Wants This” revolves around the lives of five individuals who find themselves at the margins of society. Each character’s story intertwines, revealing the harsh realities of rejection, loneliness, and the quest for acceptance. With its realistic portrayal and sensitive storytelling, this show is sure to resonate with audiences.


The series follows the journey of:

  • Emily, a young woman struggling to cope with the loss of her loved one
  • Jack, a former convict trying to redeem himself
  • Sarah, a single mother facing financial struggles
  • Mike, a homeless man searching for a sense of belonging
  • Rachel, a social worker fighting to make a difference

As their paths converge, they discover that even in the darkest moments, hope and human connection can be found.

Cast & Crew

  • Starring: Emma Stone, Michael B. Jordan, Rachel Weisz, John Cho, and Sally Field
  • Created by: David E. Kelley
  • Directed by: Jonathan Levine
  • Executive Producers: David E. Kelley, Jonathan Levine, and Emma Stone


Watch the gripping trailer for “Nobody Wants This” here

Nobody Wants This | Official Trailer | Netflix

Where to Watch

Catch the latest episodes of “Nobody Wants This” on:

  • HouraWatch (stream today’s episode now!)
  • Netflix
  • Amazon Prime Video
  • Hulu

You can watch and download the TV show Nobody Wants This online, with access to a huge collection of TV shows and movies on hurawatch.

Seasons Information

  • Season 1: 10 episodes (released on March 15, 2024)
  • Season 2: Renewed, release date TBA

Media Info

  • Genre: Drama
  • Runtime: 45 minutes per episode
  • Rating: TV-MA

Box Office Performance

While “Nobody Wants This” is a television series, its pilot episode garnered significant attention at the Sundance Film Festival, receiving a standing ovation.

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